Rothorm Jy Dream

Rothorm Jy Dream Cane Corso

Cane Corso

CH. Rothorm Jy Dream Hammer of gods

mâle Cane Corso né le 01/01/1800

Owner: Sergio Lopez

Hammer and his sister, both are the first cane corso in the history to get the spanish Jr. Championship.
Congrats to them!

Informations sur CH. Rothorm Jy Dream Hammer of gods

Sexe Mâle
Couleur Brindle. Owner: Sergio Lopez Hammer and her sister are the first cane corso in the history to get the Spanish Jr. Ch.
Tatouage 123456
Inscrit au LOF ? Espagne
N° orgine loe
Statut Disponible pour saillie

Les parents

Palmares dtitrese CH. Rothorm Jy Dream Hammer of gods


Ch. Portugal

Ch. Spain

Lisboa Winner