Rothorm Jy Dream

Rothorm Jy Dream Cane Corso

Cane Corso



Rohan (Sans Affixe)

Rohan (Sans Affixe)

Adultes à vendre

Rothorm Jy Dream Summer

Rothorm Jy Dream Summer

Summer is the mother of the Multi Ch. Rothorm Jy Dream Linx HDA. Summer is official hipscored HDB. Daughter of Multi Ch. Diablo Negro and Rothorm Jy Dream I'm The Best (daugther of Ch. Dei Dauni Con...
Rothorm Jy Dream Divine revenge

Rothorm Jy Dream Divine revenge

Fille du champion Italian Warrior

Chiens d'exposition à donner

CH. Rothorm Jy Dream Linx

CH. Rothorm Jy Dream Linx

Multi Champion Spanish Champion International Champion Portugal Champion Monaco Champion Gibraltar Champion Winner of National elevage en France (besoin d'un CAC á une special cane corso pour fi...
Rothorm Jy Dream Show must go on

Rothorm Jy Dream Show must go on

Black female for show for sell.
Tina (nika) (Sans Affixe)

Tina (nika) (Sans Affixe)

chien reproduction
Nefertari di Re Manfredi

Nefertari di Re Manfredi

Very big female, with lot of bones and size.
Rothorm Jy Dream Yunno

Rothorm Jy Dream Yunno

Very complet pedigree, with the best reproducers inside : Multi Ch. Bayron, Ch. Yurak, Ch. Cloto, Multi Ch. Diablo Negro, World Ch. Margo.....
Pamplona di Re Manfredi

Pamplona di Re Manfredi

 Pamplona is half sister of our female Nefertari di Re Manfredi.She is out of Athena and Ch. Diuk.Very beautiful young grey female.
Rothorm Jy Dream Since i don't have you

Rothorm Jy Dream Since i don't have you

Chienne d'expo / reproduction. Colour noire.
Rothorm Jy Dream Piolina

Rothorm Jy Dream Piolina

dog for show/breeding. Piolina has been breed by the Multi Ch. Warrior. Possible to sell pregnant.
Rothorm Jy Dream Kephyrina

Rothorm Jy Dream Kephyrina

Chien d'expo
Rothorm Jy Dream Bambino

Rothorm Jy Dream Bambino

6 mois, disponible en coopropiete.
About time voldemort Rothorm Jy Dream

About time voldemort Rothorm Jy Dream

Importée d'aux Etats Units. Fil de Rothorm Jy Dream Fantagiro (Ch. Rothorm Jy Dream Glam x Ch. Malizia) X Le multi Champion Americain Marneo. Prés de 7 mois sur les photos. PLus information: roth...
Rothorm Jy Dream Didi

Rothorm Jy Dream Didi

Chienne grise, en photo 50 jours. Disponible pour expo.
CH. Rothorm Jy Dream Flaga iv

CH. Rothorm Jy Dream Flaga iv

For sell or co-owning.

Reproducteur à vendre

Laguna ray del mundo

Laguna ray del mundo

fantastique pedigree.