Rothorm Jy Dream

Rothorm Jy Dream Cane Corso

Cane Corso

Some results in Italy and France

Actualité publié le 17/05/2012

Rothorm Jy Dream - Some results in Italy and France

We have been some days in Italy and France.

We got the next results:

International Dog Show Taranto:

Rothorm Jy Dream Ishtar, Exc1 CAC CACIB BOB

Raduno Razze Italiane Roma:

Rothorm Jy Dream Ishtar, Exc2 RCAC

International Dog Show San Remo and special of the breed.

ROthorm Jy Dream Ishtar, Exc1 CAC RCACIB

International Dog Show Nice (France):

Multi Ch. Rothorm Jy Dream LInx: Exc 1 CAC CACIB BOS
